Geometry and Physics of Spatial Random Systems

Contributions and Registration

If you are interested in attending the conference, please send an email to gpsrs∂


We are inviting contributions to all themes of the conference, from researchers in mathematics, physics, material science, biology, statistics, and related disciplines. There are opportunities for poster contributions, and a limited number of slots for oral contributions. Posters will be seen as an integral part of the conference; there will be a dedicated poster session and posters will remain on display for the duration of the conference. Please indicate in your submission if you prefer an oral or a poster contribution, and please accept our apologies in advance that we can only accept a small number of oral contributions.

The deadline for proposals for contributions was  31 May 2017. However, we are still accepting a few poster contributions

Please send an abstract of your planned contribution to gpsrs∂  If you are familiar with LaTeX you may want to use our LaTeX-template [download zip-file].



The conference fee is 500 Euros (single room)/400 Euros (double room) per person, including accommodation, full board, coffee breaks, a conference dinner and all conference materials. If you are interested in participating in the conference please contact us as soon as possible via our email address gpsrs∂